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Title: 【Typical Case】How to Configure Scheduled Restart on NBR Devices? [Print this page]

Author: zhangqiao@ruiji    Time: 2024-8-2 10:39
Title: 【Typical Case】How to Configure Scheduled Restart on NBR Devices?

Scheduled Task, Scheduled Restart
1. Configuration Requirements
Configure an NBR device torestart at 01:00 every day.
2. Device Model and Firmware
  Device Type
  Device Model
  Firmware  Version
3. Configuration Notes
4. Configuration Procedure

4.1 Configuring the Device to Save Logs to the Hard Disk

Configuration path:
Choose Advanced > System > Enhancement > Save Logs Locally > Disable.
By default, the box next to Disable is checked, meaning logs are not saved to the hard disk. To ensure a scheduled task has the highest priority, uncheck the box next to Disable to save the logs to the hard disk.

Note: After unchecking Disable, restart the device to apply the configuration. Then proceed to configure ascheduled task.
4.2 Configuring a Scheduled Task
After the scheduled task function is enabled on the NBR6200-E, it cannot be configured through the web interface. You must use the CLI to configure this function.
1. Run the following command toenable the User Task function.
user-task enable

2. Configure a one-time scheduledtask.
reload at hh:mm:ss month dayyear

3. Configure a recurring scheduled task. (Enter ruijie# in privileged EXEC mode)
user-task add aa command“reload@y” mode exec date 2018 9 4 time 3:00 every 24:00

Run the preceding command to configure a recurring task named aa that restartsthe device daily at 3:00.
Note: The configured time cannot be earlier than the current system time. Otherwise, the device will restart immediately. Please exercise caution.
4. View a scheduled task.
When you run the show run command, the scheduled task configuration will not appear. The output of show run only displays user-task enable without showing the detailed configuration. To view the scheduled task configuration, use the show user-task command.
5. Delete a scheduled task.
NBR2500D-E#user-task deleteaa  ---aa indicates the task name.

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