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Title: Connectivity Test Errors [Print this page]

Author: kurt.salvador@g    Time: 2024-8-6 17:26
Title: Connectivity Test Errors
SETUP : AP820-L V3, CLOUD Managed
Switches and Gateway are Non-Ruijie
Clients can connect to the Wifi and use the Internet
I get the following errors when doing diagnostics on the web interface of the AP, any help is appreciated.

Author: wengjialong@rui    Time: 2024-8-6 18:06
Hi, Kurt Salvador

Could you help confirm how AP receive IP address? By DHCP or Static IP? And please also check what is the DNS server configured on AP, if not, please try change DNS to and check again.

Best regards,

Author: kurt.salvador@g    Time: 2024-8-7 20:40
GTAC-Jayden replied at 2024-8-6 18:06
Hi, Kurt Salvador

Could you help confirm how AP receive IP address? By DHCP or Static IP? And pleas ...

DNS is on AP
AP IP is given by DHCP

Author: luyoukai@ruijie    Time: 2024-8-12 12:52
Kurt Salvador replied at 2024-8-7 20:40
DNS is on AP
AP IP is given by DHCP

Hi, please check as follows:
1.first check your DNS server, make sure not set to allow only IP through, and clear DNS cache.
2.check any firewall policy or uplink devices that block your ICMP packets.

For any future assistance, we encourage you bring this case ID to contact us on Rita(, our real-time support platform. Our dedicated engineers are readily available to resolve your issues promptly.

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