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Title: Create User Group vouchers based on user usage time [Print this page]

Author: litbang.lutra@g    Time: 2024-8-8 01:41
Title: Create User Group vouchers based on user usage time
How to make an active voucher based on the period of use by the user, for example a 1 hour voucher is valid for 1 day, meaning the user can be online for 60 minutes even though not continuously for 60 minutes, online then offline then online again until the duration of 60 minutes is reached in 1 day.

Author: v-anakaren@ruij    Time: 2024-8-8 03:47
Dear  Basrun,
Good day,
According to what you mentioned, what you need is to pause the vouchers, correct? If that’s the case, there’s no way to do it.

Best  regards.

Author: litbang.lutra@g    Time: 2024-8-9 10:50
GTAC-AnaKarenDuranUrrutia replied at 2024-8-8 03:47
Dear  Basrun,
Good day,
According to what you mentioned, what you need is to pause the vouchers, c ...

Yes, I suggest that ruijie create such capability, to enrich the features, so that vouchers are not only based on quota, the active period is also increased with the duration of use. Thank you

Author: yujiamin@ruijie    Time: 2024-8-9 14:44
Basrun Basrun replied at 2024-8-9 10:50
Yes, I suggest that ruijie create such capability, to enrich the features, so that vouchers are no ...

We have received your request. This request will be evaluated by our r&d team. If there are any updates about this request, I will feedback it to you. Thank you for your suggestion.

Author: frelie.mandagi@    Time: 2024-8-17 16:24
GTAC-Jenny replied at 2024-8-9 14:44
We have received your request. This request will be evaluated by our r&d team. If there are any up ...

is there any way to see how much total device data usage overall? or by voucher can see how much data usage?

Author: luyoukai@ruijie    Time: 2024-8-17 16:32
ENDEAVOUR ENDEAVOUR replied at 2024-8-17 16:24
is there any way to see how much total device data usage overall? or by voucher can see how much d ...

For now seeing how much data usage by voucher is available.

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