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Title: How to Troubleshoot Signature Library Upgrade Failures [Print this page]

Author: zhangqiao@ruiji    Time: 2024-8-22 14:48
Title: How to Troubleshoot Signature Library Upgrade Failures
I. Fault Description

Firewall signature library upgrade failed.
II. Topology

III. Cause Analysis

1.The license file for the firewall is not activated.
2. The firewall version is outdated. The earlierversion does not support some UTM functions.
3. The firewall is not connected to the Internet.An error occurred while upgrading the offline signature library file.
IV. Troubleshooting Procedure

Step 1: Check the status of the firewall license file.
Choose System > System Config > Authorization Management to view the license status. As shown in the following figure,the license is activated.
Step 2: Check the firewall software version.
If the firewall version is earlier than RGOS11.3, upgrade to the latest version (the device will restart after the upgrade). Versions earlier than RGOS11.3 support only the IPS feature and do not support other UTM functions. An error will be reported if you try to import the license file.
Step 3: Online upgrade of the signature library failed.

You can visit to download required signature libraries from the locations shown in the following figure, and then manually import them to the firewall.
V. Collect Information
1. Take snapshots of the firewall license information page
2.Export of fault information.

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