Ruijie Community

Title: Can't Access internet unless the user is statically bound on the ARP page [Print this page]

Author: linenzhi@ruijie    Time: 2024-8-22 17:04
Hello Sir/Madam
Thanks for contacting us,
The purpose of the static IP you configure on DHCP is to be able to statically assign IPs from the DHCP IP POOL to MAC addresses that you specify, which is not the same as static ARP.

For your question about needing to configure static ARP to be able to access the internet, what is your overall networking like, can you describe it briefly? Also, have you manually configured static ARP on the user side as well?

You can also bring your questions to Rita, our live chat platform, we will provide 24-hour technical support, in Rita we can learn more about your questions, so as to help you solve your problems.

You can access our RITA platform at the following website link :

Best regards

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