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Title: 【Typical Case】How to Troubleshoot Ineffective SSID Rate Limits on the RAP Series? [Print this page]

Author: zhangqiao@ruiji    Time: 2024-8-22 17:07
Title: 【Typical Case】How to Troubleshoot Ineffective SSID Rate Limits on the RAP Series?

SSID,rate limit, RAP
1. Fault Description
Wireless rate limiting is configured but does not take effect.
The following figure shows the speed test results when no rate limits are configured.

When the rate limit is set to 10 Mbps, only the downlink rate limit is enforced, while the uplink rate limit does not take effect.

2. Device Model and Firmware
  Device Type
  Device Model
  Firmware  Version
  Reyee AP    RAP2260(H)
3. Cause Analysis
Unsupported version
Incorrect configuration
Function restrictions
4. Solution
4.1 Unsupported Version
Wireless rate limiting is supported on RAP series devices running ReyeeOS R218 and later. This feature is not available on RAP devices with versions earlier than ReyeeOS R218.
The RAP device in question runs firmware version R283, which is later than R218 (a higher version number indicates a later version.
4.2 Incorrect Configuration
To enable the wireless rate limiting function on a RAP device, follow these two steps:
1. On the Wireless Rate Limiting page, configure the rate limits. The value is set to No Limit bydefault.

2. Toggle on Wireless Rate Limiting.

If the rate limits are configured but the function is not enabled, the settings will not take effect.
4.3 Function Restrictions
1. When the RAP device works inAP mode, both the uplink and downlink rate limits are effective.
2. When the RAP device works inrouter mode, only the downlink rate limit is effective.

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