Title: Can RG-EG1510XS do PBR with Loadbalance ? [Print this page] Author: eddz1st@gmail.c Time: 2024-9-23 23:27 Title: Can RG-EG1510XS do PBR with Loadbalance ? Hello Everyone
I Plan to have this setup
My Plan is :
1. VLAN 20 and VLAN 30, internettrough ISP 1 – 4 ( loadbalanced )
2. VLAN 40 to Internet trough ISP5 – 6 ( Loadbalanced )
3. Our total user expected is around 150 user peak.
Is this achieveable using this currentsetup?
Question is :
1. IF Using PBR, can we still balance the ISP? I mean ISP 1 – 4 loadbalance for vlan 20 and 30. And ISP 5-6 loadbalance for VLAN 40?
I open to any suggestion, somehow my finance departement need separate ISP line loadbalanced but still want to be part of intranet. And I also want to control RAP device on those departement
Thank you. Author: v-saul@ruijie.c Time: 2024-9-26 08:06
Hello sir,
You can try apply the PBR as you mention but is possible that the load balancing will not take the desired effect due to once the first PBR match with the packet sent, that PBR will be applied.
Here is a post with the PBR and load balancing applied, you can try to follow every step to configure it https://community.ruijienetworks.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=4288
Best Regards! Author: eddz1st@gmail.c Time: 2024-9-26 13:57