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Title: Can RG-EG1510XS do PBR with Loadbalance ? [Print this page]

Author: eddz1st@gmail.c    Time: 2024-9-23 23:27
Title: Can RG-EG1510XS do PBR with Loadbalance ?
Hello Everyone
I Plan to have this setup

My Plan is :
1.      VLAN 20 and VLAN 30, internettrough ISP 1 – 4 ( loadbalanced )
2.      VLAN 40 to Internet trough ISP5 – 6 ( Loadbalanced )
3.      Our total user expected is around 150 user peak.
Is this achieveable using this currentsetup?
Question is :
1. IF Using PBR, can we still balance the ISP? I mean ISP 1 – 4 loadbalance for vlan 20 and 30. And ISP 5-6 loadbalance for VLAN 40?

I open to any suggestion, somehow my finance departement need separate ISP line loadbalanced but still want to be part of intranet. And I also want to control RAP device on those departement

Thank you.

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