Title: Ruijie AP840-I an Reyee Ap2260E [Print this page] Author: oguz.ersahin@qr Time: 2024-10-2 17:08 Title: Ruijie AP840-I an Reyee Ap2260E Can the handheld terminal perform roming without any problems in an environment where Reyee ap840-i and ruijie ap2260 are running?
Author: William Time: 2024-10-8 13:46
Dear Oğuz Erşahin,
Yes sir if both of your AP840-i and RAP2260 are centralized managed by Ruijie Cloud. Roaming experience of your handheld device should be smooth and quick.
Please check this video of configuring roaming https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9bl0L5tyUq4
Best Regards,
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