Title: How to configure a native VLAN on the Ruijie switch? [Print this page] Author: zhangqiao@ruiji Time: 2024-11-14 16:16 Title: How to configure a native VLAN on the Ruijie switch? Applied Scenarios
The native VLAN is used to carry untagged traffic on a trunk port. It allows devices that do not support VLAN tagging to communicate with each other.
Configuration Steps
a) Configure native vlan on the switch port via CLI:
For example, run the following command to configure VLAN 10 as a native VLAN in interface G0/1:
b) Configure native vlan on the switch port viaeweb:
For example, configure vlan 10 to the native vlanon interface G0/1:
Click VLAN> Trunk Port, select a port,specify Native VLAN and Allowed VLAN, and click Save. The "Configuration succeeded." message is displayed. In this case, the newly added trunk portis displayed in the trunk port list.
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