Title: How to configure VSU for Ruijie Switch in RGOS 11.x? [Print this page] Author: zhangqiao@ruiji Time: 2024-11-28 13:49 Title: How to configure VSU for Ruijie Switch in RGOS 11.x? VSU is a technology that virtualizes multiple devices into one device to manage and use, which can significantly reduce management complexity and topology logic complexity. VSUs are usually connected to peripheral devices using aggregation ports, which can effectively utilize redundant links while improving the forwarding capacity of the system.
The commands are as follow
1. Initial configuration of the primary and backup core switches
Switch1# configure terminal
Enter configuration commands, one per line. Endwith CNTL/Z.
Switch1(config)# switch virtual domain 1
Switch1(config-vs-domain)# switch 1
Switch1(config-vs-domain)#switch 1 priority200------>The default priority is 100, configure it to a higher priority, VSU will become the management host after successful establishment.
Switch1(config-vs-domain)# exit
Switch1(config)#vsl-port------>At least 2 VSL links are required, one link is lessreliable and the VSU will be very unstable when there is a link oscillation.
Enter configuration commands, one per line. Endwith CNTL/Z.
Switch2(config)# switch virtual domain 1 ------>domaindid must be the same as the first
Switch2(config-vs-domain)#switch 2 ------>Thesecond device must change its ID to 2
Switch2(config-vs-domain)#switch 2 priority150
Switch2(config-vs-domain)# exit
Switch2(config)#vsl-port ------>Atleast 2 VSL links are required, one link is less reliable and the VSU can bevery unstable when there is a link oscillation.
2. Connect the VSL link and make sure the interface isUP
3. Save the configuration of the two devices and switch to VSU mode together
Switch1# wr
Switch1# switch convertmode virtual
------>Transfer to VSU mode
Convert modewill backup and delete config file, and reload the switch. Are you sure to continue[yes/no]
Do you want to recover config file from backup file in virtual mode(press 'ctrl + c' to cancel) [yes/no]
no means clear for reallocation
Switch2# wr
Switch2# switch convert mode virtual
------>Transfer to VSU mode
Are you sure to convert switch to virtual mode[yes/no]
Do you want to recover config file from backup file in virtual mode (press 'ctrl + c' to cancel) [yes/no]
After selecting the conversion mode, the device will reboot and start and form the VSU.
2) The engine Primary light of the VSU host is always on in green, and the Primary light of the VSU slave is off, which can be used to determine the master-slave system (the device priority is specified in advance, and the device with high priority will become the host)
4. Confirmation of successful VSU establishment
Ruijie# show switch virtual role ------- Check that the primary backup is as expected
Switch_id Domain_id Priority Position Status Role Description
1(1) 100(100) 200(200) LOCAL OK ACTIVE switch-1 ------>ACTIVE
2(2) 100(100) 150(150) REMOTE OK STANDBY switch-2 ------>STANDBY
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