Title: How to configure MLLB Based on Uplink on the firewall? [Print this page] Author: zhangqiao@ruiji Time: 2024-11-28 17:10 Title: How to configure MLLB Based on Uplink on the firewall? There are multiple links from the firewall to the server and their available bandwidths are different. To ensure service continuity and network quality, MLLB can be enabled for static routing to perform load balancing based on the bandwidth ratio. Procedure:
(1) Configuring the MLLB Mode
(a) Choose Network > Routing > Egress Load Balancing > Global Config.
(b) Select Bandwidth-based and Uplink Bandwidth from the Balancing Mode drop-down lists.
(c) Click Save.
(2) Configuring Interface Bandwidth for MLLB
(a) Choose Network > Routing > Egress Load Balancing > Global Config.
(b) Click Edit in the Operation column of an interface to configure out bound interface parameters.
Configure the parameters for Ge0/1, Ge0/2, Ge0/3 and click Save.
(3) Configuring a Security Policy and StaticRouting
(a) Configure asecurity policy.
Choose Object> Address > IPv4 Address and click Create to create address object on the client and address object on the server.
Choose Policy > Security Policy > Security Policy and click Create to create a security policy.
Click Save.
(b) Configure static routing.
Choose Network > Routing > Static Routing > IPv4.
Click Create to create a static route to theserver.
Create 3 static routes to the server through the ISP1, ISP2, ISP3 link andclick Save. Verification:
Checking the MLLB Configuration
Choose Network> Routing > Egress Load Balancing > Global Config to check the MLLB mode and interface bandwidth configurations.
Checking Static Routes
Choose Network> Routing > Routing Table > IPv4 to check the equal-cost routes.
Checking Traffic Steering Effects
Concurrent traffic from multiple clients on the192.168.1.0/24 network segment is sent to the server through the firewall. On the firewall web UI, choose Monitor > Traffic Monitoring >Real-Time Traffic and view the traffic trend graph. Select Ge0/1,Ge0/2, and Ge0/3 in the Interface drop-down list to display the traffic ratio,which is equal as bandwidth ratio.
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