Title: RG-NBR6215-E and RG-NBS3200-24SFP/8T4XS [Print this page] Author: kaungkyawomg002 Time: 2024-12-12 12:24 Title: RG-NBR6215-E and RG-NBS3200-24SFP/8T4XS Hi! I am now configuring RG-NBR6215-e. I'm trying to connect TenGigabitEthernet 0/0 to RG-NBS3200-24SFP/8T4XS with Mini-GBIC-LX-SM1310 module (1G Module). But it's not working.
RG-NBR6215-E PORT 8F connected to RG-NBS3200-24SFP/8GT4XS port 26F no blinking light
I‘m sorry that we can't provide a specific solution for you based on current information.
Can you help to check the following aspects:
1. Ports > Port Setting > Physical Setting
2. Does Mini-GBIC-LX-SM1310 work properly on other ports? If it does not work, test whether it works on another switch.
3. If possible, replace the module that works properly on other devices and perform the test between NBS and NBR.
Looking forward to your kind reply.
Best regards,
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