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How can I judge that the main program of AP110-W is lost ? if it is lost, what can I do ? Reply


Level 1

How can I judge that the main program of AP110-W is lost ? if it is lost, what can I do ?
6591 1 2018-4-3 11:50:58
Hello, guys
How can I judge that the main program of AP110-W is lost ?
if it is lost, what can I do ?

0 2018-4-3 12:50:46 View all replies
How to judge the main program of AP110-W is lost.
When the system detects that the main programis damaged at startup, it enters into download mode automatically and initializes a fixed-name text download task to a static IP address.
How to restore AP110-w.
Connect the AP to the LAN (Layer-2 topology) of a PC or connect the AP to the front panel port (LAN port) through a PC, and set the PC IP address to You are recommended to download the AP through the front panelport. To download the AP from the WAN port, disconnect the front panel port.
Create a file named "FileList.txt" and enter the name of the installation package (named to "rgos.bin) in the file, as shown in thefollowing figure:
Name the installation package to be updated to "rgos.bin"and place TFTP Server (see the attachment), bin, and Filelist.txt in the same directory. Run TFTP Server on the PC and confirm the download path as shown in the following figure. Replace the path in the red circle with the path where Filelist.txt and the installation package are placed.

Restart the system. Then the AP is automatically downloaded.
The TFTP tool download process on a PC isshown in the figure below. See the color-highlighted areas. Wait for at least 30s before starting the system after the TFTP tool download progress is 100%.
The TFTP tool status is described as follows:
No log      ---  Check whether the physical connection of the Ethernet and the IP address of the PC are correct.
Aborted     ---  Check whetherthe Filelist.txt name is same to the name of the file to be downloaded.
Downloading --- The AP is downloading.
Completed   --- Download completes. Wait for update.

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