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How to fix when the AP management address is forgotten? Reply


Level 5

How to fix when the AP management address is forgotten?
6938 1 2018-4-9 10:21:43
The administrator forgets the management address of WALL-AP but does not want to modify the device configurations or the factory settings of the devicecannot be restored.

0 2018-4-9 10:25:29 View all replies
Configuration Tips
1.Execute the packet capture software on a PC to capture packets from the interface of the wired network.
2.Connect the WALL-AP cable to the PC and power on the AP.

Configuration Steps
1.Execute the packet capture software (using Wireshark for an example) to capture packets from the wired interface.
(1)Select the interface.
(2)Select the wired interface of the AP and click Start to capture the packets.
(3)Connect the wired interface of the PC to the AP Ethernet port that is notpowered on.
(4)Power on the AP to view packets output by the packet capture software on thePC. Pay attention to the ARP packets.
Becausethe PC is directly connected to the AP, all the ARP packets except those sentby the PC are ARP packets sent by the AP.
(5)After getting the AP IP address from the ARP packets, try to log on to the AP through the Telnet port.
(6)The AP may not send the ARP resolution packets. In this case, you can use theLLDP packets to obtain the AP management address. The Management Address in the LLDP packets is the management address of the AP.
(7)If you still cannot log on to the AP, restore the factory settings of WALL-AP,which results in loss of all configurations. You can try to log on to APs withthe Console port from a serial port.

It is found that during actual packet capture, the AP sometimes does not send the ARP resolution packets. In this case, you can use the LLDP packets to obtain the AP management address.

1. The following is a packet capture screenshot:
2. Click to open the LLDP packet. The part in the red frame below is the management address of the AP:

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