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Error code analysis for User Offline in Second Generation Web Authentication Mode Reply


Level 5

Error code analysis for User Offline in Second Generation Web Authentication Mode
7463 1 2018-4-10 08:32:49
Error code analysis for User Offline in Second Generation Web Authentication Mode

0 2018-4-10 08:33:10 View all replies
01: The user actively goes offline.
02: The port is disconnected. On a wirelessnetwork, STAMG notifies STA to go offline. In this case, contact STAMG owner tolocate the cause.
03: The service is unavailable mainly due toconnection interruption.
04: Idle status times out. The user having notraffic is kicked out.
05: Session times out. The duration reaches.
06: The administrator resetsthe port or session to kick out users from the RADIUS server, kick out escapedusers after restoring the Portal server, or run the clear command to deleteusers.
07: The administrator restarts NAS.
08: The port has an error and required tointerrupt the session
09: NAS has an error and required interruptingthe session.
10: NAS requires interrupting the session dueto other reasons.
11: NAS is restarted accidentally.
12: NAS thinks there is no need to retain theport and interrupts the session.
13: NAS interrupts the session to allocatethis port.
14: NAS interrupts the session to suspend theport.
15: NAS fails to provide the requiredservice.
16: NAS interrupts the currentsession to call back the new session.
17: Information entered by the user isincorrect.
18: The host requires interrupting thesession.
103: The IP or MAC address has changed oroccupied.
115: The service is switched over.
122: The traffic is exhausted.
250: The low-traffic user is kicked out. Itis a unique attribute of Ruijie AP and the cause is same to code 4.
500: Authentication times out. The RADIUSauthentication packet is not responded within the time limit. This attribute isavailable for wireless wlog module and will be provided for SNC later.
501: Authentication is denied by the RADIUSserver. This attribute is available for wireless wlog module and will beprovided for SNC later.
502: The number of users on the device hasreached the upper limit. This attribute is available for wireless wlog moduleand will be provided for SNC later.

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