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The wireless network connection is slow and unstable Reply


Level 1

The wireless network connection is slow and unstable
10240 1 2018-4-10 10:55:07
Hello, gugs
I found that the wireless network connection is slow and unstable.
about this situation, what can I do ?

0 2018-4-10 11:21:30 View all replies
Possible Cause
(1) The wired network latency is large.
(2) The wireless signal is weak.
(3) The user connects to the wireless networkat a low rate.
(4) There is environment interference.
(5) The rogue AP has enabled the counteringfunction.
(6) The wireless software is enabled duringtest.
(7) The terminal is in power saving mode and roams frequently.

Troubleshooting Process

Step 1: Check whether the wired network is normal
Ping the AP and the wireless gateway on the AC tocheck whether the latency is normal. If the latency is abnormal, check thewired network. If the latency of the wired network is normal but the latency when the wireless terminal pings the gateway is large, go to Step 2.

Step 2: Check the signal strength of the wireless network
On the AP, run the show dot11 associations all-client command to display the RSSI value. If the RSSI value is above 30, use WirelessMon on a PC to check whether the signal strength of the AP is above-65. If the signal strength is lower than the threshold value, improve the signal coverage by adding more APs, changing the omnidirectional antenna to a directional antenna, moving the AP closer to the STA, or changing the ground-mounted to an i-Share AP. If the signal is strong but the network connection is still slow, go to Step 3.

Step 3: Check the association speed rate of the wireless user
On the AP, run the show dot11 associations all-client command to locate the user MAC address to see whether the association speed rate is low. If the signal is strong but the association rate islow, disable the low-rate set.

Ruijie>show dot11 associationsall-client
6        08:11:96:92:24:4c1    6    1.0M 46      1    13     2000   0x0  0x3   ESs         N     00:00:19  0       46       40  

Disable the low-rate configuration:
802.11g network rate 1 disable
802.11g network rate 2 disable
802.11g network rate 5 disable
802.11b network rate 1 disable
802.11b network rate 2 disable
802.11b network rate 5 disable

If the association rate is not low but the network connection is still slow, go to Step 4.

Step 4: Check the existence of environment interference
Use WirelessMon or other wireless scanning software to scan the current RF environment to check the existence of same frequency interference (when the channel of multiple APs is 1, 6, or 11 simultaneously and the signal strength is above -75 dBm). If there is same frequency interference, change the working channel of the wireless network to a channel of a different frequency.
For example, run the following command to adjust the channel of Radio1 to channel 1. If the wireless network connection is stable after adjustment, the problem is caused by same frequency interference. If the wireless network connection is still unstable, go to Step5.
WS5708(config)#ap-config AP220-E
WS5708(config-ap)#channel 1 radio 1
(The channel 1, 6, and 11 can be used. For a 2.4 GB network, the channels cannot be repeated. You can usethe three channels for the best effect.)
Channel 1 has serious same frequency interference.

Step 5: Check whether a rogue AP has enabled the countering function
If the AP signal is strong but the STA is still disconnected from the wireless network and the STA status displayed on the AP is still Online, it is greatly possible that a rogue AP has enabled the countering function. All other APs except for the client's AP are rogue APs, including the D-Link or TP-Link APs deployed by the students. If the wireless packet capturing NIC (Cisco Linksys AE1000) can capture packets from the wireless network, the AP enabling the countering function often broadcasts a great amount of dissociation or deauthentication packets.
The rogue AP makes the wireless RF environment uncontrollable and need to be disabled. If the wireless network connection is stable after the rogue AP is disabled, the problem is caused by the countering function of the rogue AP. In this case, disable the rogue AP or the countering function. If the connectionis still unstable after the rogue AP is disabled, go to Step 6.

Step 6: Check whether the wireless scanning software is enabled on the terminal
Check whether WirelessMon, inSSIDer or other third-party wireless scanning software is enabled on the terminal. The software occupies many wireless NIC resources, possibly resulting in slow network connection. Disable or uninstall the software if any. If there is no such software but the ping latency is still large, go to Step 7.

Step 7: Check whether the power-saving and roaming mode is enabled on the terminal
If the power saving mode is enabled, the wireless terminal disables the wireless NIC from time to time. During this period, the wireless NIC cannot receive any data and the AP needs to cache the data to be sent to the terminal.After the terminal wakes up, the AP aggregates the frames into a large packet and sends it to the terminal, resulting in data latency and higher packet loss rate.

The wireless terminal frequently roams between APs and thus the Layer-2 of the wired network has to perform network convergence frequently, resulting in high packet loss rate.
Check whether the power saving mode is enabled and roaming aggressiveness is adjusted to the maximum.The two functions greatly influence the user experience. It is recommended to disable the power saving mode and adjust the roaming aggressiveness to a smaller value. The settings vary with the NIC and the following only uses one example. If the network connection is still slow after the power saving mode and roaming aggressiveness are adjusted, go to Step 8.

To disable the power saving mode, uncheck Allow the computer to disable this deviceto save the power.
Adjust the roaming aggressiveness to the minimum

Step 8: Collect relevant information and contact our online support
Collect the following information and callour online support for technical support.
  Information to becollected:
(1) Collect the following information on theAC:
show version
show version all
show running
show ap-config run
show ap-config sum
show cpu
show memory
show log
(2) Collect the following information on the AP:
show dot11 associations all-client
show dot11 wireless 1/0
show dot11 wireless 2/0
show interface
show cpu
show memory
show log
show run
(3) Operating systems of the wireless terminal, for example, Windows XP, Windows 7, Android, Blackberry,and iOS
(4) The wireless NIC version and driver version, for example, Intel(R) Centrino(R) Advanced-N 6200AGN driver version is
(5) Screenshots of the onsite RF environment: Screenshots of the RF environment, channel distribution, and field intensity scanned by WirelessMon or other signal scanning software
Step 8: Collect user information and enable rate limit per person.
someone connect to the ap may  occupy too much bandwidth to the experience of other persons are bad.
so I recommand you limit rate per 20M bandwidth,10 person,limit per person 2M.

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