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How to adjust the radio settings when the network quality of EST310 is poor? Reply


Level 6

Ruijie Staff

How to adjust the radio settings when the network quality of EST310 is poor?
1665 0 2023-12-14 14:03:11
Optimizing the Radio Channel

(1) Channel settings
Choose [Wireless]> [WDS]> [Channel & Transmit Power] > [5G Channel].
The default channel is Auto, indicating automatic channel adaption based on the surrounding environment upon power-on. Choose the optimal channel identified through the preceding analysis. Click Save to activate settings immediately.

Note: The camera mode (CPE) does not support independent channel settings. After the channel in the AP mode (NVR) is adjusted, the camera end automatically changes its channel to be the same as the NVR end.

(2) One-click optimization(Optimize WDS)
Choose [Wireless] > [WDS] > [Optimize WDS]. Click Optimize WDS so that the device automatically selects the channel again based on the interference in the current environment, ensuring that the device works on the optimal channel. You are advised to optimize WDS when the original channel is not the optimum.

After you click Optimize WDS, the Record end(NVR) will be reconnected to the Camera end. Therefore, exercise caution when performing this operation.
2.Optimizing Channel Width
Choose [Wireless] > [WDS] > [Channel & Transmit Power] > [Channel Width]

If the interference is severe, select a lower channel width to avoid network freezing.
For 5 GHz, the bridge supports channel widths of 20 MHz, 40 MHz, and 80 MHz
while for 2.4 GHz, the bridge supports channel widths of 20 MHz and 40 MHz.
The network is stable when the channel width is smaller. A larger channel width is more prone to interference.
The default channel width of a 2.4 GHz bridge is 20 MHz(recommended configuration). The default channel width of a 5 GHz bridge is 40 MHz (recommended configuration). After changing the channel width, click Save to activate settings immediately.
Note: After the channel width is changed, the Record end(NVR) will be reconnected to the camera. Therefore, exercise caution when performing this operation.
3. Optimizing the Transmit Power
Choose [Wireless] > [WDS] > [Channel & Transmit Power] > [Transmit Power]
A larger transmit power indicates larger coverage and brings stronger interference to surrounding wireless devices. The default value is Auto, indicating automatic adjustment of the transmit power. In a scenario in which wireless devices are installed densely, a lower transmit power is recommended. The values of Low, Medium, and High indicate50%, 75%, and 100% of radio power.

4. Configuringthe Distance
Choose [Wireless] > [WDS] > [Channel & Transmit Power] > [Distance].
It is recommended that the configured distance between the Record end(NVR) and camera be greater than their actual distance. If the configured distance is much smaller than the actual distance, the wireless performance will deteriorate, and the WDS connection may fail.

Only RG-EST310, RG-EST310 V2, RG-EST350, and RG-EST350 V2 bridges support the distance configuration. RG-EST310 and RG-EST310 V2 bridges support a maximum distance of 1 km. RG-EST350 and RG-EST350 V2 bridges support a maximum distance of 5 km.


Troubleshooting Wireless-Bridge
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