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why can’t the web certified pages popout ?and it shows “the certified device is not existed” Reply


Level 1

why can’t the web certified pages popout ?and it shows “the certified device is not existed”
6988 1 2017-8-11 14:29:16
Edited by Levy at 2017-8-11 15:30

While I have alreadyfinished the configurations of web authentication, then I use my phone orlaptop to connect to the wireless signal, why can’t the web certified pages popout ?and it shows “the certified device is not existed ”.

0 2017-8-11 14:34:37 View all replies
  • To make sure that your wireless signal is well(it means that your terminals can surf the internet through the wirelesssignal) before configuring the web authentication.
  • Check your configurations of web authenticationwith the cookbook, be attentive.
  • If the configurations are well, go to SMP or SAMserver, to check if the SAM or SMP server is configured with web authenticationkey.
    The steps are following:
    (1).Click the “device” button.
    (2).Find out your equipment, and click the “view”button.
    (3).And then click the button of your equipmentmodel
    (4).Finally, you can know that if your equipmentis configured with web authentication key.
    As shown in the figure above, if the equipment isconfigured with web authentication key, you need to configure the NAS with thesame key, otherwise the authentication will not be successful.
    The command is “web-auth portal key ruijie”.
  • You can use “WIRESHARK” (name of capturesoftware) to capture as an assistant proof.
    As shown in the following figure:
    (1).If the NAS isn’t configured with webauthentication key, you will find that the user’s IP address and SSID areplaintext.
    (2).On the other hand, if the nas is configuredwith web authentication key ,you will find that the user’s IP address and SSIDare in cipher.
  • After finishing these configurations above, theweb authentication will work, and will be successful.













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