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External Captive Portal Sample Page Reply


Level 1

External Captive Portal Sample Page
20303 18 2018-11-12 21:48:52
Hi all,
I'm using Ruijie AP720-L access point. I've setted up an eportalv2 authentication to my external captive portal and my radius server.
When the user wants to connect to network, my redirect url popups up and i'm getting all the query strings about connection (wlanuserip, wlanacname, ssid, nasip etc.).

Then i get username and password from the user. But i don't know how to send this information to NAS for starting authentication to radius.

Do you have any sample pages or scripts about external captive portals?

0 2019-1-31 18:45:56 View all replies
Does anyone have an answer to this? I've stumbled with the same problem.  I couldn't figure out how to send the request to the NAS in order to authorize the user.

0 2019-2-7 10:05:31 View all replies
I have the same Problem. Please Ruijie Team, could you help us?

0 2019-2-18 11:25:54 View all replies
Dear sir,

Sorry for later reply.
Could you screenshoot the picture after import username and password.
If you are hurry for this question, welcome you contact us using Skype or caseportal
our Skype account is Ruijie Technical Support
caseportal url is

0 2019-2-27 13:36:47 View all replies
Hi any update regards on this problem? thank you

0 2019-10-5 21:08:24 View all replies
Hi any update about this?

0 2022-3-17 16:48:48 View all replies
Edited by at 2022-3-17 16:51

Accordingly, the External Portal is supported by clicking the Advance button to enter External Portal Page

and then you may found the External Portal configuration page.

for more info please check on this link
http://cloud-as.ruijienetworks.c ... iguration__Wireless

0 2023-2-15 12:29:47 View all replies
Andrew replied at 2022-3-17 16:48
Accordingly, the External Portal is supported by clicking the Advance button to enter External Porta ...


0 2025-1-11 19:15:50 View all replies
Earvin Yu replied at 2023-2-15 12:29


I have the same problem. Is there any update?

0 2025-1-11 21:00:41 View all replies
Fevzi Can Sahinler replied at 2025-1-11 19:15

I have the same problem. Is there any update?

Hi sir,
You can refer to this link to configure it:
If you use Ruijie Cloud for AP management, you can also check this guide from chapter 3:

Best regards,

0 2025-1-11 21:00:43 View all replies
Fevzi Can Sahinler replied at 2025-1-11 19:15

I have the same problem. Is there any update?

Hi sir,
You can refer to this link to configure it:
If you use Ruijie Cloud for AP management, you can also check this guide from chapter 3:

Best regards,

0 2025-1-12 00:27:24 View all replies
GTAC-Lex replied at 2025-1-11 21:00
Hi sir,
You can refer to this link to configure it: ...


I can already forward the external captive portal. However, my problem here is that I cannot find the callback url, where can I find it. When the firewall redirects to the external captive portal, it adds usermac username to the end of the url, which endpoint will I send a post request with username and password.

0 2025-1-12 10:34:25 View all replies
Fevzi Can Sahinler replied at 2025-1-12 00:27

I can already forward the external captive portal. However, my problem here is that I can ...


Eportalv2 authentication is using China Mobile CMCC standard protocol, the eportal server requires to meet this standard so that Ruijie AP can be able to integrate with it. The eportalv2 redirected auth url is:

You can learn more about the eportalv2 authentication working process and try to custom the format of the webauth url via the following link:

For the external captive portal config on cloud, it is using wifidog protocol, you can refer to the following link to learn the format of wifidog web auth url format:

For further assistance, please help provide your detailed requirement to our support email (service_rj(Ruijie International) <>). Please help alsp provide your device SN so that we can record this case first. Thank you for your cooperation.

Best regards


0 2025-1-13 02:26:16 View all replies
Edited by Fevzi Can Sahinler at 2025-1-13 02:29

GTAC-Jenny replied at 2025-1-12 10:34
hello, I still can't find the redirect url. I am attaching my configurations as a picture. Firewall redirects to my external captive portal and adds parameters at the end like the url I gave below.
I should add username and password with these fields and send a request to which endpoint of the firewall. the model of the ruijie device I use is NBS3100-24GT4SFP-P. I am using portal 3.0 Can you please support me? Which endpoint should I send a request to?
I tried the endpoint in Help Center/ API Document/ Reyee EG WISPr Hotspot API, but nothing.  Can you please help me?
Thank you,

0 2025-1-13 15:14:58 View all replies
Fevzi Can Sahinler replied at 2025-1-13 02:26
GTAC-Jenny replied at 2025-1-12 10:34
hello, I still can't find the redirect url. I am attach ...


What I want to confirm is whether your device model is Z3200? NBS is a switch series device. Can you help me to double-check the model and version of your device?

If your device is RG-WALL 1600-Z-S Series, you can refer to this link and configure it first:

Best Regrads,

0 2025-1-13 23:40:30 View all replies
GTAC-Micca replied at 2025-1-13 15:14

What I want to confirm is whether your device model is Z3200? NBS is a switch series devic ...

Hello sir,

I am using NBS3100-24GT4SFP-P

I added my Radius server configuration. It redirects to the portal. Which endpoint on the ruijie device should I send the data in the form with the fields in the url and my user's login username and password (information attached in radius). Did I do the configuration wrong, can you please help me?

Best Regards,

0 2025-1-14 23:29:55 View all replies
Fevzi Can Sahinler replied at 2025-1-13 23:40
Hello sir,

I am using NBS3100-24GT4SFP-P


Sorry i've send you my switch. That's my firewall series number.

0 2025-1-15 01:36:47 View all replies
Fevzi Can Sahinler replied at 2025-1-14 23:29

Sorry i've send you my switch. That's my firewall series number.

Please help!!!

0 2025-1-15 08:29:02 View all replies

Hello sir,
So the issue now is on the firewall sir?

We recommend you to join us to rita's live chat to help you on real time and solve the issue.


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