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How to configure VSU? Reply


Level 1

How to configure VSU?
9411 4 2021-6-9 10:31:16
You can refer to the guide as below to configure VSU
1、Configure  active and standby switch
Switch1# configure terminal
Switch1(config)# switch virtual domain 1
Switch1(config-vs-domain)# switch 1
Switch1(config-vs-domain)# switch 1 priority 200    ------>default priority is100,configure switch 1 to 200, it will be active switch.
Switch1(config-vs-domain)# exit
Switch1(config)# vsl-port        ------>need two vsl link at least, or VSU will be very unstable.
Switch1(config-vsl-ap-1)# port-member interface TenGigabitEthernet 2/1            ------>configure vsl link
Switch1(config-vsl-ap-1)# port-member interface TenGigabitEthernet 2/2
Switch1(config-vsl-ap-1)# exit
Switch2# configure terminal
Switch2(config)# switch virtual domain 1  ------>domaind id need be same with switch 1
Switch2(config-vs-domain)# switch 2     ------>configure switch id to 2
Switch2(config-vs-domain)# switch 2 priority 150
Switch2(config-vs-domain)# exit
Switch2(config)# vsl-port
Switch2(config-vsl-ap-1)# port-member interface TenGigabitEthernet 2/1     
Switch2(config-vsl-ap-1)# port-member interface TenGigabitEthernet 2/2
Switch2(config-vsl-ap-1)# exit
2、connect vsl link,ensure the interface have been up
3、save the switch cofniguration,convert to VSU mode
Switch1# wr
Switch1# switch convert mode virtual         ------>convert to VSU mode
Convert mode will backup and delete config file, and reload the switch. Are you sure to continue[yes/no]:yes
Do you want to recover config file from backup file in standalone mode (press 'ctrl + c' to cancel) [yes/no]:no
Switch2# wr
Switch2# switch convert mode virtual         ------>convert to VSU mode
Convert mode will backup and delete config file, and reload the switch. Are you sure to continue[yes/no]:yes
Do you want to recover config file from backup file in standalone mode (press 'ctrl + c' to cancel) [yes/no]:no
Two Switch will reboot, and then be VSU mode.

It is recommended to add the  dual-active detection setting after setting VSU, it is used when VSL is disconnected, the standby chassis will be switched to active chassis. If the former active chassis is still running, then the existing two chassis will both become the active chassis. Since the configurations are completely same, a series of problems such IP address conflict will arise in the LAN. VSU must detect dual-active chassis and take restoration measures.

After enable dual-active detection , system detects dual-active via control packets between BFD dedicated link and puts one chassis which has lower priority into recovery mode ,all port ,except for VSL port, MGMT port and exception port that administrator specifies (reserved for telnet), are mandatory shutdown.

When dual-active occurs, dual-active detection ensures the stability and high availability of your network. (you must use redundant connection to connect other switches to VSU . In addition, you must connect one link to the active chassis, the other to standby chassis
I. Configuration Steps
1. Configuring Dual-active Detections
Ruijie(config)# interface gi2/4/2
Ruijie(config-if)# no switchport ------>BFD detection must be applid on a Layer 3 port
Ruijie(config-if)# exit
Ruijie(config)# interface gi1/4/2
Ruijie(config-if)# no switchport
Ruijie (config-if)# exit
Ruijie (config)# switch virtual domain 1
Ruijie(config-vs-domain)# dual-active detection bfd ------>enable BFD feature
Ruijie(config-vs-domain)# dual-active pair interface gi1/4/2 interface gi2/4/2    ------>configure a pair of BFD detection ports
Ruijie(config-vs-domain)# dual-active exclude interface  ten1/1/2   ------>configure the exception port
Ruijie(config-vs-domain)# dual-active exclude interface  ten2/1/2  

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