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【Activity】Show your Reyee Mesh Plan in Home Scenario and get EW1200 for FREE! Reply


Level 4

【Activity】Show your Reyee Mesh Plan in Home Scenario and get EW1200 for FREE!
6744 36 2022-11-1 18:13:17
If you had ever installed more than one Reyee home routers and configured them by Reyee Mesh for your client, you shouldn’t miss this activity!

Provide the following list of information and get EW1200 now!

-A screenshot of the typology of Reyee home routers on Ruijie Cloud
-A description of basic background for the installation:
-1) House size
-2) Model and quantity of Reyee home router
-3) The way to do Reyee Mesh (wired & wireless)? And why?

* Once the staff verified your reply, we will contact you by the email you left when you created the account. Please pay close attention to your email inbox after you submit the answer.

RG-EW1200G Pro

Activities Mesh Wi-Fi
0 2022-11-2 17:07:25 View all replies
main router + 3 Reyee Mesh
1.) House Size: 4000Sf (3 Floor)
2.) Ruijie Reyee RG-
Gigabit dual-band Wi-Fi 6 wireless router x 4

3.) normal 1st floor & 2nd floor is wiring, 3rd floor is wireless mode

0 2022-11-2 21:29:41 View all replies

0 2022-11-3 11:40:05 View all replies
Albert lee replied at 2022-11-2 17:07
main router + 3 Reyee Mesh
1.) House Size: 4000Sf (3 Floor)
2.) Ruijie Reyee RG-

Hi Lee, thank you for your participation. May I know if the main and sub1 router are placed on the 1st floor? and the subd2 and sub3 router is placed on the 2nd and 3rd floor respectively?
I have sent you an email talking about the way to deliver you an EW1200 device. Please take a look~

0 2022-11-3 11:41:30 View all replies

Hi Phoon, thank you for your participation, while I also need the info that I listed above, e.g. house size, deployment situation, etc. Could you please add them on? Thank you.

0 2022-11-3 15:41:45 View all replies
Diana Zhong replied at 2022-11-3 11:40
Hi Lee, thank you for your participation. May I know if the main and sub1 router are placed on the ...

yes... sub 2 router at 2nd floor also.. and the continues to 3rd floor... but 3rd and main hall is wireless mode...
the singal sometime is no stable ... any solutions ??

0 2022-11-3 15:44:21 View all replies
Albert lee replied at 2022-11-3 15:41
yes... sub 2 router at 2nd floor also.. and the continues to 3rd floor... but 3rd and main hall is ...

Hi Diana,
By the way, i have another Gateways EG105GW connect to AP RAP2200(E),

is abnormal as below photo ?? any problem..

i try to update point also ??

0 2022-11-7 10:31:48 View all replies
Albert lee replied at 2022-11-3 15:41
yes... sub 2 router at 2nd floor also.. and the continues to 3rd floor... but 3rd and main hall is ...

Hi, may I know if the wireless mode is wireless Reyee Mesh?

0 2022-11-7 15:33:22 View all replies
Albert lee replied at 2022-11-3 15:44
Hi Diana,
By the way, i have another Gateways EG105GW connect to AP RAP2200(E),

Dear sir

You can check if there are the following restrictions in your actual topology

Best regards

0 2022-11-8 23:11:24 View all replies
This site my topology
Challange this site Customer need to the Wi-Fi signal strength coverage area zone by without wiring cable LAN then I design networks use Home Router was model EW3200GX-PRO for Root 3rd FL and EW1200G-PRO 4th FL is clients wireless MESH function details as attachment,


0 2022-11-9 15:05:18 View all replies

Reyee Mesh across 2 apartment units.
EW1200G pro wired mesh in 1 unit (170 sq meter) and from EW1200G pro wireless mesh to EW3200 in another unit (distance around 50m)

0 2022-11-9 15:29:38 View all replies
House size: 48m2/each with 3 floor, connect with Wire and 3 pcs RAP-2200
Modem i use modem from ISP supply. Connect through an POE Switch

The Wifi signal is good, everywhere at home can connect through this Mesh wifi.

0 2022-11-9 16:52:17 View all replies
description of basic background for the installation:
1) House size
2) Model and quantity of Reyee home router
3 x EW1200G-Pro
3) The way to do Reyee Mesh (wired & wireless)? And why?
Wired backhaul for stability and faster speed.

0 2022-11-9 17:06:36 View all replies
atomh2r replied at 2022-11-8 23:11
This site my topology
Challange this site Customer need to the Wi-Fi signal strength coverage a ...


Thank you for your participation. May I know what is the house size and what devices you use to support the network for first and second floor?
Please take a look at your email. I've sent a email to you talking about the delivery of EW1200.

0 2022-11-9 17:10:20 View all replies
unknown unknown replied at 2022-11-9 15:29
House size: 48m2/each with 3 floor, connect with Wire and 3 pcs RAP-2200
Modem i use modem from ISP  ...

Thank you for your participation. But this activity is for Reyee home router and I didn't see you using Reyee home router in your home. You can come back if there were any activity about Reyee AP in the future~

0 2022-11-9 17:17:58 View all replies
unknown unknown replied at 2022-11-9 16:52
description of basic background for the installation:
1) House size

Thank you for your participation. May I know if all three EW1200GPRO are connected by wired or some of them are connected wirelessly? And how did you deploy the three home routers? e.g. one in living and two in bedrooms.

Please take a look at your email. I've sent a email to you talking about the delivery of EW1200.

0 2022-11-9 17:48:34 View all replies
Diana Zhong replied at 2022-11-9 17:06

Thank you for your participation. May I know what is the house size and what devices you use ...

This site is house office which scale of site 5th Floor 1st-3rd is office zone and 4th-5th Floor is resident area zone  1st I use home route was model EW1200 G-Pro a while the signal coverage up to 2nd FL and next level 3rd FL I use Router EW3200 which access point mode 4th I selected was mode EW1200 G Pro for MESH solution,

0 2022-11-9 17:56:00 View all replies replied at 2022-11-9 15:05
Reyee Mesh across 2 apartment units.
EW1200G pro wired mesh in 1 unit (170 sq meter) and from EW12 ...

Hi Vincent,
That's an amazing case!!! So glad to see how helpful our devices are to support the network for two apartment units.
I'm still curious about a few questions:
1. What is the relation of the two apartment units?
2. Where did you place the EW1200 and how does it connect to the main router?
3. How is the performance of wireless Reyee Mesh between EW1200GPRO and EW3200GX PRO?

Please take a look at your email. I've sent an email to you talking about the delivery of EW1200.

0 2022-11-9 18:04:38 View all replies
Diana Zhong replied at 2022-11-9 17:56
Hi Vincent,
That's an amazing case!!! So glad to see how helpful our devices are to support the ne ...

Hi Diana,
1. my brother own 2 units there. 1 unit is 3 bedroom 170 sq meter, the other one is 2 bedroom 120 sq meter.
2. EW1200G PRO and EW 1200 is placed in the 170 sq meter apartment. EW3200 is placed in the 120 sq meter apartment.
3. Performance is quite good considering the distance. Can still get 40mbps bandwidth (main unit is 100mbps)

0 2022-11-9 18:06:15 View all replies
atomh2r replied at 2022-11-9 17:48
This site is house office which scale of site 5th Floor 1st-3rd is office zone and 4th-5th Flo ...

Thank you for your reply. May I summarize your deployment of Reyee home router in this house office that EW1200GPRO*2 plus EW3200GX PRO*1 can cover the all five floors network? And why did not you use wireless Reyee Mesh mode to connect EW1200GPRO on first floor and EW3200GX PRO on 3rd floor?

0 2022-11-9 18:18:05 View all replies replied at 2022-11-9 18:04
Hi Diana,
1. my brother own 2 units there. 1 unit is 3 bedroom 170 sq meter, the other one is 2 be ...

Awesome! Glad to hear that. Thank you.

0 2022-11-9 18:54:41 View all replies
House Size 15m x 10m ( 1 Floors )
Dual EW1200 ( 1 wired repeater + 1 wireless repeater )

0 2022-11-9 19:52:07 View all replies
My homes is 1500 square feet and I purchased the Reyee RG-E5. I have two floors and the router is placed on the first floor.

0 2022-11-10 14:09:25 View all replies
Achmad Hizam Achmad Hizam replied at 2022-11-9 18:54
House Size 15m x 10m ( 1 Floors )
Dual EW1200 ( 1 wired repeater + 1 wireless repeater )

Thank you for your participation. So the deployment of two EW1200 is wireless Reyee Mesh right? How's the network performance?

Please take a look at your email. I've sent an email to you talking about the delivery of EW1200.

0 2022-11-10 14:10:15 View all replies
unknown unknown replied at 2022-11-9 19:52
My homes is 1500 square feet and I purchased the Reyee RG-E5. I have two floors and the router is pl ...

Thank you for your reply. May I have the screenshot of the typology on the Ruijie Cloud App?

0 2022-11-10 16:27:16 View all replies
Diana Zhong replied at 2022-11-9 18:06
Thank you for your reply. May I summarize your deployment of Reyee home router in this house o ...

Right now fist floor I selected EW1200 G-Pro is Root because of this floor 5 persons working area zone also based on internet package from ISP is just 500Mbps/500Mbps a while 3rd Fl has been more than staff working this zone ,


0 2022-11-11 10:04:18 View all replies
atomh2r replied at 2022-11-10 16:27
Right now fist floor I selected EW1200 G-Pro is Root because of this floor 5 persons working area  ...

Cool I got it. Thank you~!

0 2022-11-11 16:58:47 View all replies
Diana Zhong replied at 2022-11-10 14:09
Thank you for your participation. So the deployment of two EW1200 is wireless Reyee Mesh righ ...

Yes Right. Very stable network performance. Working perfectly.

0 2022-11-11 18:42:45 View all replies

House size : 400 m² (4 floor)
I use 2 router to cover it, 1 Router Ruijie RG-EW1200G PRO at 3rd floor and another one using Ruijie RG-EW1200 at 2nd floor.
The router connected using wireless reyee mesh, cause i think is simple and no need lan cable, so is easy to move the router.

0 2022-11-11 21:17:02 View all replies
Edited by unknown unknown at 2022-11-11 21:23

House size : 700sq meter floor area 3 Story house  very thick walls already tried other brand routers but only Ruijie works
Routers Used : EW1800GX-Pro
I used wireless mesh because house is already built and the owner does not want messy wires. This setup is already 1yr last month and client is very happy. More power Ruijie!!!

0 2022-11-14 10:25:55 View all replies
Achmad Hizam Achmad Hizam replied at 2022-11-11 16:58
Yes Right. Very stable network performance. Working perfectly.

Cool~ Happy to hear that!

0 2022-11-14 10:26:16 View all replies
Edited by Diana Zhong at 2022-11-14 10:27

unknown unknown replied at 2022-11-11 18:42
House size : 400 m² (4 floor)
I use 2 router to cover it, 1 Router Ruijie RG-EW1200G PRO at 3rd f ...
Thank you for your participation! May I know where you placed your modem? And if the EW1200 can cover the network of 1st and 2nd floor, and EW120GPRO can cover the network of 3rd and 4th floor? Are you satisfied with the performance?
Please take a look at your email. I've sent an email to you talking about the delivery of EW1200.

0 2022-11-14 10:30:09 View all replies
unknown unknown replied at 2022-11-11 21:17
House size : 700sq meter floor area 3 Story house  very thick walls already tried other brand route ...

Glad to hear that you are satisfied with our products! May I know if all these 6 units are connected by wireless Reyee Mesh? and how did you deploy these devices? like, each device on which floor?

Btw, please take a look at your email. I've sent an email to you talking about the delivery of EW1200.

0 2022-11-14 18:20:32 View all replies

2)1 pcs ew 3200,1 pcs ew1200g
3)ew3200 is main router and ew1200 is wired mesh

0 2022-11-15 10:10:41 View all replies
Zi xing Tee replied at 2022-11-14 18:20
2)1 pcs ew 3200,1 pcs ew1200g
3)ew3200 is main router and ew1200 is wired mesh

Hi Tee,
Thank you for your participation!
Please take a look at your email. I've sent an email to you talking about the delivery of EW1200.

0 2022-11-15 15:45:25 View all replies
Albert lee replied at 2022-11-2 17:07
main router + 3 Reyee Mesh
1.) House Size: 4000Sf (3 Floor)
2.) Ruijie Reyee RG-

It's not gigabytes

0 2022-11-19 01:21:47 View all replies
Diana Zhong replied at 2022-11-14 10:26
unknown unknown replied at 2022-11-11 18:42
House size : 400 m² (4 floor)
I use 2 router to cover i ...

My ONT modem is at 3rd Floor, next to EW-1200G PRO and connect using cable.
I'm satisfied with my wifi connection now, cause with the mesh technology i don't have to worry about wifi reconnection when moving to another floor.

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