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What to do if my Reyee EG got its system lost? Reply


Level 6

Ruijie Staff

What to do if my Reyee EG got its system lost?
1829 0 2023-6-26 11:03:42
1. Check whether the system indicator status is fast blinking green(10Hz) and the device keeps rebooting.
2. Try to reset the device by holding the reset button for more than 5 seconds to restore the device to the factory default setting.
3. Try to ping10.44.77.254/ from your PC when connecting to a LAN port of the device. Please make sure the IP of your PC is in the same segment as the previous IP addresses.
4. If all the ways failed, it would be a hardware issue. You can go to the case portal and create an RMA case to solve the issue. The needed information for the RMA case is shown below.
  • Describe which steps are checked and the result
  • Attach the operation log when troubleshooting
  • Attach two files:
   (1) The failure phenomenon video or picture
   (2) Device picture containing its SN

Troubleshooting Router
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