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Wireless Common STA Syslog Reply


Level 1

Wireless Common STA Syslog
7412 3 2019-9-25 10:59:11
Edited by Daisy at 2019-9-27 11:18

Wireless Common STA Syslog

1. STA access normally
00:01:10:49: %WLAN-6-80211N:  BSSID(0a1b.b120.6fa1) receives auth frame from STA(4c0f.6e04.b57c):  RSSI(50). Receiving auth frame
00:15:06:15: %WLAN-6-OUTPUT:  STA(4c0f.6e04.b57c) actives in BSSID(0a1b.b120.6fa1): Auth succeed.Auth succeed
00:01:10:49: %WLAN-6-80211N:  BSSID(0a1b.b120.6fa1) receives assoc frame from STA(4c0f.6e04.b57c):  RSSI(50).Receives assoc frame
00:15:06:15: %WLAN-6-OUTPUT:  STA(4c0f.6e04.b57c) actives in BSSID(0a1b.b120.6fa1): Assoc succeed.Assoc succeed
Caption: The access  progress of STA include Auth  and  Assoc. After Assoc succeed, STA access wireless successfully. However if want  to access Internet,
need to complete some encryption auth so that can access  wireless internet.

2. STA use wrong password to access wpa2-pak SSID

00:01:10:49: %WLAN-6-80211N:  BSSID(0a1b.b120.6fa1) receives auth frame from STA(4c0f.6e04.b57c): RSSI(50).Receive auth frame
00:23:36:32: %WLAN-6-OUTPUT:  STA(0026.5a08.6380) actives in BSSID(0a1b.b120.6fa1): Auth succeed.Auth succeed
00:01:10:49: %WLAN-6-80211N:  BSSID(0a1b.b120.6fa1) receives auth frame from STA(4c0f.6e04.b57c): RSSI(50).Receive auth frame
00:23:36:32: %WLAN-6-OUTPUT:  STA(0026.5a08.6380) actives in BSSID(0a1b.b120.6fa1): Auth succeed.Auth succeed
00:01:10:49: %WLAN-6-80211N:  BSSID(0a1b.b120.6fa1) receives assoc frame from STA(4c0f.6e04.b57c):  RSSI(50).Receive assoc frame
00:23:36:32: %WLAN-6-OUTPUT:  STA(0026.5a08.6380) actives in BSSID(0a1b.b120.6fa1): Assoc succeed.Assoc succeed
00:23:36:37: %WLAN-6-80211N:  STA(0026.5a08.6380) leaves BSSID(0a1b.b120.6fa1): STA disassoc, reason  code(3).Four handshakes fail, disassoc
Caption: When STA  uses wrong password to access SSID, auth succeed, assoc succeed, then  handshakes fail, disassoc.
Because some network card send two auth frame, so  has two auth succeed log.

3. STA active disconnect
01:00:09:47:  %WLAN-6-80211N: STA(0026.5a08.6380) leaves BSSID(0a1b.b120.6fa1): STA  disassoc, reason code(3).
    *Jun 20 17:39:32.375: %WLAN-6-80211N: STA(a4ed.4e23.7ad4) leaves  BSSID(0a0b.6bb1.d4d4): STA deauth, reason code(1),RSSI(27).
    %WLAN-6-80211N: STA(88c6.63d7.a164) leaves BSSID(0a1b.b120.0c1e): STA  disassoc, reason code(8)
    WLAN-6-80211N: STA(001b.8bed.94cb) leaves BSSID(0a1b.b120.0c1e): STA  deauth, reason code(3),
STA active disassoc or deauth
Caption:When STA active disassociate, some network cards will  send disassoc frame, some send deauth frame, or send none. The another reason  why STA active disassociate may be that they haven't received the auth resp  or assoc reso packet from AP.

4. STA roaming successfully
00:01:10:49: %WLAN-6-80211N:  BSSID(0a1b.b120.6fa1) receives auth frame from STA(4c0f.6e04.b57c): RSSI(50).receive auth frame
00:17:33:04: %WLAN-6-OUTPUT:  STA(4c0f.6e04.b57c) actives in BSSID(0a1b.b120.6976): Auth succeed.Auth succeed
00:17:33:04: %WLAN-6-OUTPUT:  STA(4c0f.6e04.b57c) actives in BSSID(0a1b.b120.6976): Reasso succeed.Reasso succeed
Caption: STA roaming   from AP1 to AP2 whose signal is stronger. The AP2 will show Auth and Reasso  succeed when roaming successfully.

5. STA roaming failed
00:01:10:49: %WLAN-6-80211N:  BSSID(0a1b.b120.6fa1) receives auth frame from STA(4c0f.6e04.b57c): RSSI(50).Receive auth frame
00:17:33:04: %WLAN-6-OUTPUT:  STA(4c0f.6e04.b57c) actives in BSSID(0a1b.b120.6976): Auth succeed.Auth succeed
00:17:35:04: %WLAN-6-OUTPUT:  STA(4c0f.6e04.b57c) actives in BSSID(0a1b.b120.6976): Reasso failed, status  code(17).Reasso failed
Caption: When STA  roaming failed, will show auth succeed first, and then show reasso failed

6. The RSSI of STA is too low to access
00:01:10:49: %WLAN-6-80211N:  BSSID(0a1b.b120.6fa1) receives auth frame from STA(4c0f.6e04.b57c): RSSI(50).Receive auth frame
00:17:42:15: %WLAN-6-OUTPUT:  STA(4c0f.6e04.b57c) actives in BSSID(0a1b.b120.6fa1): Auth succeed.Auth succeed
00:17:42:15: %WLAN-6-80211N:  STA(4c0f.6e04.b57c) fails to active in BSSID(0a1b.b120.6fa1): RSSI(54) too  low to join.The RSSI is too law to join
Caption: When the  rssi is lower than the limitation, the AP will refuse STA to associate to  SSID

7. STA number reachs limit, AP reject new STA to associate
00:01:10:49: %WLAN-6-80211N:  BSSID(0a1b.b120.6fa1) receives auth frame from STA(4c0f.6e04.b57c): RSSI(50).Receive auth frame
00:17:45:21: %WLAN-6-OUTPUT:  STA(4c0f.6e04.b57c) actives in BSSID(0a1b.b120.6fa1): Auth succeed.Auth succeed
00:17:45:21: %WLAN-6-OUTPUT:  STA(4c0f.6e04.b57c) fails to active in BSSID(0a1b.b120.6fa1): STA number  reachs limit, status code(17).STA number reachs limit
00:17:45:21: %WLAN-6-OUTPUT:  STA(4c0f.6e04.b57c) fails to active in BSSID(0a1b.b120.6fa1): Assoc failed,  status code(17).STA assoc failed
Caption: STA number  reachs limit, AP reject new STA to associate

8. STA rate set mismatch,AP deny STA association
00:01:10:49: %WLAN-6-80211N:  BSSID(0a1b.b120.6fa1) receives auth frame from STA(4c0f.6e04.b57c): RSSI(50).Receive auth frame
%WLAN-6-OUTPUT: STA(4c0f.6e04.b57c)  actives in BSSID(0a1b.b120.6fa1): Auth succeed.Auth succeed
%WLAN-6-80211N: STA(4c0f.6e04.b57c) fails  to active in BSSID(0a1b.b120.6fa1): Rateset mismatch, status code(1).Rateset mismatch
Caption: STA must  support the rate set required by AP When associates AP. If it does not  support, it will be rejected.

9. STA timeout
00:17:56:16: %WLAN-6-80211N:  STA(4c0f.6e04.b57c) is forced to leave BSSID(0a1b.b120.0c1e): STA timeout due  to inactivity,reason code(2).STA timeout, offline
Caption: When STA  has no data for more than a certain period of time (default 300 seconds), AP  considers STA timed out and kicks it offline

10. CWMP disconnection
WLAN-6-80211N:  STA(4c0f.6e04.b57c) is forced to leave BSSID(0a1b.b120.6f1b): The state of  vap had changed, deasso station,
    reason code(8)
STA disassociate due to VAP state change
Caption: When the  cwmp is disconnected. AP will auto delete the configuration and kicks all  associated STAs offline

11. STA was kicked offline
00:18:05:45:  %WLAN-6-80211N: STA(4c0f.6e04.b57c) is forced to leave BSSID(0a1b.b120.6fa1):  Disassoc by APMG, reason code(8).STA connect to other SSID or  roam to other AP,  AP kick it offline  from the previous AP
    or SSID
00:18:05:46:  %WLAN-6-80211N: STA(4c0f.6e04.b57c) fails to active in BSSID(0a1b.b120.6fa1):  
    Data from unknown station.
Because AP hasn't received the  disassociate frame from STA, so will show a ''Data from
     unknown station'' log to remind
Caption: Can kick a  STA offline manually on AC

12. STA is kicked offline due to low rx rate
00:00:46:05:  %WLAN-6-80211N: STA(78e4.00d3.1183) is forced to leave BSSID(0e1b.b120.5861):  
    STA is kicked out due to low rx rate(35 Mbps),reason code(3).
STA is kicked out due to low rx rate
Caption: The  associated STA will be kicked offline if the rate is below the threshold.

13. The packet comes from the unkown STA
01:13:35:01:  %WLAN-6-80211N: STA(0026.c7a2.a6fa) fails to active in BSSID(061b.b18e.37f4):  
    Data from unknown station.
AP receive unknown packet from STA
Caption:AP will  discard the unknown packet immediately

14. WPA information element parsed error
"%WLAN-6-80211N:  STA(7c61.9337.f036) fails to active in BSSID(061b.b120.0c23):
    WPA information element parsed error, reason code(13)"
AP receives associate/reassociate packet, parse error, AP sends  disassociate packet. STA associate failed

0 2019-9-27 11:18:16 View all replies
Edited by Daisy at 2019-9-27 14:34

15. STA associate failed
Syslog Meaning
STA(4c0f.6e8c.6e8d) leaves  BSSID(0a1b.b120.0c23): STA deauth, reason code(4)After STA sends the association  request, it does not receive the response from AP
    within the time-out period, finally STA sends the deauth message.

16. The main channel of Beacon frame is inconsistent with the working channel
WLAN-6- BEACON_INIT: Work channel is 6,  primary channel is 2When beacon is initialized, the main channel and the working channel are  inconsistent.
WLAN-6- BEACON_UPT_CHECK1:  Work channel is 6, primary channel is 2When the beacon is updated, the  primary channel is not the same as the working channel.
    The working channel will be assigned to the primary channel.
WLAN-6- BEACON_UPT: Work channel is 6,  primary channel is 2When updating beacon, the main  channel and the working channel are not consistent,
    and the channel will be revised.
WLAN-6- BEACON_UPT_CHECK: Work channel is  6, primary channel is 2At the end of updating beacon,  the inconsistency between the main channel and the
    working channel prompts that the channel will be revised.
WLAN-6- PRIMAR_CHECK: Work channel is 6,  primary channel is 2The main channel and the working  channel of beacon are not consistent before entering
    DMA, and the channel will not be revised at this time.

17. Receive STA PS poll frame and print the log that associated ID  is null
STA(7c61.93ec.aab7) is forced to leave  BSSID(061b.b122.5687): Client has NULL AID, reason code(7).Receive STA PS poll frame and print the log that associated ID  is null
Caption: Sometimes, STA hasn't received the disassociate frame  from AP caused by wireless environment so that it think it still be online on  AP and send ps poll frame to AP.
    After AP receive this frame from this STA, however can't find its information,  AP will print this log. This is a normal log, won't affect the performance of  AP

0 2021-8-23 13:59:46 View all replies
very good tech sharing, very useful.

0 2024-12-6 11:35:57 View all replies
What should I do to fix STA code 3?

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